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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Busan Blunder

I failed to mention one somewhat humorous event that happened while in Busan. In an attempt to do some hiking around the hills of Busan, though I was actually seeking out the famous yeomso gogi (grilled goat meat) in Sanseong Village, I got lost. I read my guide book's directions pretty well, but watching some other foreign foreigners (that means they were European) that looked like they knew what they were doing, I followed them off the bus in the middle of nowhere. Once I realized they were lost, I pretended to know what I was doing (I mean, who wants to admit they are lost, right?) and walk up some random hill only to find the hill keeps going and going and going and leading to a temple. I did get some funny looks from people who were probably wondering, "What is this strange guy doing walking up a hill that leads to nowhere?" So, tired and without having tried the famous goat or mountain rice wine, I trek down the hill, catch the bus back to my hosts place, only to eat Ramen noodles! Still an enjoyable day, but no pictures to remember it by, only this story!

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